Product News: Tip-Up Plate

by | Nov 2, 2017 | Blog | 0 comments

The electric and manual tip up plate options are used to bridge the gap between the wheelchair and the car seat to enable safe vehicle transfers.

The electric and manual tip up plate options are used to bridge the gap between the wheelchair and the car seat to enable safe vehicle transfers.

The Tip Up Plate is available in both an electric and manual version, depending on the vehicle. As the transfer board is fixed onto the vehicle and weight rated this reduces the risks typically involved with vehicle seat transfers.


RM205: Manual

The transfer plate is installed at a set height and can be folded up and out of the way when not in use or removed and stored in the vehicle. This version is used in vehicles such as sedans or hatchbacks where the seated wheelchair height and the vehicle seat height are similar and can be installed on either the drivers or passenger side.


RE205: Electric

The electric transfer plate is installed to serve as a bridge between the wheelchair and vehicle seat when they are located at different heights, the plate can either be folded up next to the door or once used the plate can be removed and stored in the vehicle. This version is recommended in bigger vehicles such as Ute’s, SUV’s and vans which have higher seating positions. The user transfers from the wheelchair to the tip-up plate and with the use of a remote the plate can be adjusted to the vehicle seat height.