Vehicle Adaptations: Where to begin?
Find the right vehicle solution can be a daunting and confusing process. There are many factors to consider such as: “what can or can’t I do?”, “what solutions are available for my needs?”, “how do I pay for all this stuff?” and so forth. In order to help with your journey, we have prepared the following information page to help you navigate through this process.
When considering vehicle adaptations, these are the 4 main considerations you should be making:
1. Build your team and set your goals
‘It takes a village….’
The first and MOST important step (which is all too often forgotten) is to build your team of support people. You are not alone in this journey and there are many out there who can help you. We will work together to help determine the best solution for you.
We are your vehicle experts; we will help you choose the right solution and have it installed into your vehicle.
In addition, you will need a Health Professional, typically an Occupational Therapist to help with the physical assessments of your movements.
Carers and Helpers, including Family. Are there others in your life that will be affected by this decision? Make sure you involve them the whole way and ask them for advice. Ultimately you make your own decisions, but your community can also help provide valuable insight and feedback.
Set your goals:
What do you want to achieve and what do you need help with?
Do you need help with Getting Seated, Independent Driving, Hoisting and Stowing, Posture or Behavioural Harness Support
2. Assessment
Once you have built your team and have some goals and solutions in mind, you need to trial and have them assessed to determine the best solution for you and your vehicle of choice. We will help you choose some options over the phone and we will then put you in touch with one of our partners or assessment centres, we have locations all across the country and can even come to you to have this done.
3. Funding
Probably one of the most important questions is: How are you going to Pay for it?
There are many ways to fund your conversion including privately paying for it, applying for a charitable grant, or obtaining funding.
Funding is certainly the most popular way of paying for your solution. There are many schemes available, most Notably NDIS. We have created a guide on Current Funding Options and how to access them here.
4. Solution Installation
The best part! You have the solution; you have the funding organised and now you are ready to visit one of our partners to install the product. We will help you find the local installer and have the product installed and our installers will teach you how to use the products at the hand over. Then you are ready to hit the road and Regain your Independence!
Remember that service and maintenance of your product is vital to ensure it lasts the distance, please contact us or your local installer to arrange this.